.. _campari_preparation: Protein preparation with CAMPARI ================================ With the latest implemented features it is now straightforward to use CAMPARI to directly generate a receptor mol2 file for SEED. As CAMPARI's pdb parser is fairly robust, in the vast majority of the cases it will be able to read a raw pdb without the need of any preprocessing. The input files required by CAMPARI to describe the receptor are a sequence file listing all the residues in the system and a pdb or another structural file to read the atom coordinates (the atoms for which no coordinates are provided will be rebuilt by CAMPARI). Additionally CAMPARI only requires a key file with a list of keywords specifying the calculation to run. We provide some key file templates to perform a standard protein preparation protocol for docking. For details please refer to `CAMPARI v4 documentation `_. The sequence file can be extracted from the ``SEQRES`` of the pdb using the script ``convert_SEQRES_toseq.sh`` provided in the CAMPARI tool directoty. Before starting the preparation with CAMPARI be sure to be running version 4. Once the key-file is specified, CAMPARI can be run as easy as: .. code-block:: bash campari -k keyfile.key >& log .. comments If you specify in the key file the following keyword FMCSC_SYBYLLJMAP ljmap_for_abs4.2_charmm36.prm By default CAMPARI will write as structural output both a pdb and a mol2 file with the ``ALT_TYPE_SET`` specification as required by SEED. We recommend using CHARMM parameters for docking with SEED. Using AMBER/GAFF force field is still experimental, but can be done (see :ref:`gaff_preparation`). CHARMM parameters can be specified in the key-file with the following keyword: .. code-block:: bash PARAMETERS /params/abs4.2_charmm36.prm The output mol2 files will contain CHARMM partial charges (in the charge column) and the CAMPARI biotypes (in the ALT_TYPE_SET line), which needs to be mapped to the corresponding CHARMM atom types by running: .. code-block:: bash bash convert_CAMP_BIO_to_CGENFF.sh CAMP_BIO_to_CGENFF.map MOL2FILE > OUTPUTFILE A protein receptor can be prepared with CAMPARI using the two keyfiles ``tmd_build.template.key`` and ``cons_mini_abs_internal.template.key`` (make sure to correct filenames and paths). ``tmd_build.template.key`` rebuilds the system starting from the provided pdb. Missing residues are added and missing sidechains are build in random conformations. After that a specific relaxation protocol (refer to keyword ``TMD_RELAX`` in CAMPARI documentation) is carried out to remove any major steric clashes. The mol2 output of the run (suffix ``_RELAXED.mol2`` or ``_END.mol2``) is almost ready to be used in SEED (only the remapping of CHARMM atom types is needed). Note that the ``RELAXED`` files contains the system coordinates after the relaxation, whereas the ``END`` files are the final snapshots of the simulation, in case for example additional molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo is run after relaxation. We recommend to additionally run a short minimization on the relaxed output (pdb with suffix ``_RELAXED.pdb``). Minimization can be performed in internal coordinates with ``cons_mini_abs_internal.template.key``. We recommend the use of a freeze file (keyword ``FRZFILE``, using mode ``A``) to allow only side-chain terminal dihedrals (those ending with a hydrogen) to move during minimization. This can be accomplished for example by extracting the indices of the non-terminal dihedrals (the ones we would like to freeze) from a CAMPARI log file (keyword ``TMDREPORT`` enabled), with a command like the following: .. code-block:: bash sed -n '/Summary of Rotation/,/End of Summary of Rotation/p' log | sed '/Mol. #/,/Atom/d' | tail -n +2 | head -n -1 | awk '$3 > 10 {print $1}' If the system is made up by multiple chains or molecules, make sure to include also constraints for rigid body translations and rotations in the ``FRZFILE``. For the equivalent target preparation protocol for AMBER/GAFF, refer to :ref:`seed_amber_receptor`.